
Accessing Raspberry Pi through SSH



SSH stands for Secure Shell. It is a secure channel created over an insecure network. The channel consists of a server and a client. This channel uses public key cryptography and can be used for secure transmission of passwords, remote log in, command execution etc..

SSH can be used when we cannot physically access the Raspberry Pi due to various reasons like the USB ports are engaged or the board is in a remote location. This method also minimizes hassle of using keyboard and mouse.

For accessing Raspberry Pi through SSH just connect it to a network using the on-board Ethernet port or using a USB Wi-Fi adapter. Then find the IP Address of Pi from the network router or from Pi itself by running ‘sudo ifconfig’ command from the terminal.

Linux and Mac OS users

ssh <ip address of your Rpi> -l <username of RPi user you set up previously>
[root@dellinsp ~]$ ssh -l pi

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

RSA key fingerprint is 26:a4:a1:ab:c2:ff:50:99:d7:e1:49:6e:f2:90:fb:90.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

pi@'s password:

Linux raspberrypi 3.6.11+ #456 PREEMPT Mon May 20 17:42:15 BST 2013 armv6l

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pi@raspberrypi ~ $

Windows users

You have to install an SSH Client, Putty is one of the most commonly used tool which can be downloaded here.

PUTTY screen
PUTTY warning
Pi login screen

You have successfully logged into Raspberry Pi using ssh.

Pi terminal

Enjoy the freedom of using Raspberry Pi without unnecessary clutter like keyboard, mouse and displays.

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