
AM Generation using Simulink


Amplitude modulation (AM) is a one of the conventional technique used to transmit message signals using a carrier wave. The amplitude or strength of the high frequency carrier wave is modified in accordance with amplitude of the message signal. If you are a newbie to Simulink, please read our article Introduction to Simulink.

First of all lets get into the basics..

When carrier amplitude is altered with respect to message signal,

In terms of modulation index (m=Am/Ac) the equation becomes


Generating AM in Simulink

For generating AM we just have to implement the equation of AM in block level.

Blocks Required

Analyzing the equation we need,

  1. Carrier Signal Source
  2. Message Signal Source
  3. Blocks for viewing the signals – Scope
  4. Product Block
  5. Summer Block
  6. Constant Block

We can find these blocks in the following locations of Simulink Library…

Carrier, Message, Constant blocks

View Block

Product and Summer Block

Block Diagram

AM Generation using Simulink
AM Generation using Simulink – Block Diagram

Block parameters can be changed by selecting the block and parameter that I used are given below..

Output Waveforms

AM Generation using Simulink – Message Signal
AM Generation using Simulink – Carrier
AM Generation using Simulink – Modulated Signal
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