
Seeeduino XIAO – Smallest Arduino Board

Seeeduino XIAO - Arduino Board

Seeeduino XIAO - Arduino Board


Today we will learn about Seeeduino XIAO, the most smallest Arduino compatible board as of today.


Seeeduino XIAO is manufactured by SeeedStudio and is the smallest member of Seeeduino family. XIAO is powered by Microchip’s ATSAMD21G18A-MU, which is a powerful and low power ARM® Cortex®-M0+ microcontroller. By seeing the picture itself we can understand that it is professionally designed and it even have a metallic projection cover for protecting the circuit.

For better coding experience it houses an extra user LED on board. It also has a 32.768KHz external crystal for providing more accurate clock frequency. This tiny Arduino board is perfect for rapid prototyping of wearable devices. It also provides power pads at the back of the board for connecting battery to make the application more realistic.




Here is a video from SeeedStudio.

Buy Now

You can order Seeeduino XIAO from SeedStudio website.

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