Reply To: Microsecond variable Delay in MikroC

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Ligo George

Hi, the following variable microsecond delay functions will work with enough accuracy if you use clock 20MHz or more.
For PIC 16F

void Vdelay_us(unsigned time_us)
  unsigned ncyc;
  ncyc = Clock_MHz()>>2;
  ncyc *= time_us>>4;
  while (ncyc--) 
    asm nop;
    asm nop;

For PIC 18F

void Vdelay_us(unsigned time_us)
  unsigned ncyc;
  ncyc = Clock_MHz()>>2;
  ncyc *= time_us>>4;
  while (ncyc--) 
    asm nop;
    asm nop;
    asm nop;