Electronics hobby, educational or college projects made using PIC microcontroller with circuit diagram and detailed explanation. 100% working and tested circuits.

Digital Alarm Clock using PIC Microcontroller and DS3234 RTC

Here is a digital alarm clock made using PIC 18F4520 Microcontroller and DS3234 RTC (Real Time Clock). This project is for educational purposes or can be used as a reference for integrating DS3234 RTC. DS3234 is a very accurate RTC IC with integrated on chip temperature compensated crystal oscillator. It can be integrated with a microcontroller using SPI bus. This project is developed using MPLAB XC8 compiler.

Components Required

PIC 18F4520 MicrocontrollerDS3234 RTC20MHz Crystal 4x3 Keypad16x2 LCD10KΩ preset5V buzzerLEDBC547...

Automatic School / College Bell using PIC Microcontroller

Here we are sharing a fully automatic and configurable bell which can be used in schools and colleges. It is made using commonly available microcontroller and other components.

Components Required

PIC 18F4550 16x2 LCD Display DS1307 or DS3232 or DS3231 32.768 kHz Crystal 16 MHz Crystal 4.7K Resistor - 7 10K Resistor 10K Preset 22pF Capacitor - 2 100nF Capacitor 4x4 Keypad 680R Resistor LED - 1 3V CMOS Battery BC548 1N4148 Relay (5V/12V)

Circuit Diagram

Automatic College Bell using Microcontroller -...

Home Automation using Bluetooth and Mobile App

Technology is a never ending process. To be able to design a product using the current technology that will be beneficial to the lives of others is a huge contribution to the community. Generally in today’s modern world human beings are addicted to using modern equipment. So here we can perform home automation by using an Android App and Bluetooth as a wireless communication medium. Home automation not only refers to reduce human efforts but also energy efficiency and time saving.  Home...

Interfacing HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with PIC Microcontroller

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a popular and low cost solution for non-contact distance measurement function. It is able to measure distances from 2cm to 400cm with an accuracy of about 3mm. This module includes ultrasonic transmitter, ultrasonic receiver and its control circuit. HC-SR04 module has 4 pins : VCC - 5V, +ive of the power supply TRIG - Trigger Pin ECHO - Echo Pin GND - -ive of the power supply TRIG and ECHO pins can be used to interface this module with a...

Automatic Power Factor Controller using Microcontroller

The thirst for new sources of energy is unquenchable, but we seldom realize that we are wasting a part of the electrical energy every day due to the lagging power factor in the inductive loads we use. Hence there is an urgent need to avoid this wastage of energy. Before getting into the details of Power factor correction, lets just brush our knowledge about the term "power factor". In simple words power factor basically states how far the energy provided has...

Interfacing Ultrasonic Distance Sensor : ASCII Output with PIC Microcontroller

In some of our projects, we may want to measure the distance of an object from a point. Ultrasonic Distance Sensors are the best sensor which provides stable, accurate, precise, non-contact distance measurements from 2cm to 4m. Ultrasonic Sensors can be used to measure distance between moving or stationary objects. Being very accurate and stable, these devices find large number of applications in robotics fields. For example it can be used as an excellent replacement for IR sensors in  a Micromouse. In...

Digital Thermometer using PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor


A Digital Thermometer can be easily constructed using a PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor. LM35 series is a low cost and precision Integrated Circuit Temperature Sensor whose output voltage is proportional to Centigrade temperature scale. Thus LM35 has an advantage over other temperature sensors calibrated in Kelvin as the users don't require subtraction of large constant voltage to obtain the required Centigrade temperature. It doesn't requires any external calibration. It is produced by National Semiconductor and can operate over a -55 °C to 150...

Digital Clock using PIC Microcontroller and DS1307 RTC

A Digital Clock can be made easily by using PIC Microcontroller, DS1307 and a 16x2 LCD. I have already posted about Interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC Microcontroller. The DS1307 RTC can work either in 24-hour mode or 12-hour mode with AM/PM indicator. It automatically adjusts for months fewer than 31 days including leap year compensation up to year 2100.  DS1307 comes with built-in power sensing circuit which senses power failures and...
