I try to change PIC16F877. I need use PIC16F887, but i can’t get properly data of time/date. Although for PIC16F877 everything fine. What i need to do to use PIC16F887 microcontroller?
As that project using MikroC compiler, it should work without any changes in the program. But you should change the microcontroller in the MikroC project setting and REBUILD the project.
Yes, i mean that article. I changed microcontroller in the MikroC project, also i changed //CMCON = 0x07; // To turn off comparators for PIC16F877
and insert C1ON_bit = 0; C2ON_bit = 0; // Disable comparators for PIC16F887 and ANSEL = 0x04; ANSELH = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital I/O for PIC16F887. But nothing. Could you have a look at my code
It works without problems for PIC16F877A, but when i changed controller to PIC16F887 i get an error “Undeclared identifier CMON in expression”. Because PIC16F887 has no CMON register to turn off comparators. I inserted C1on.bit=0 and C2on_bit=0 to disable comparators for PIC16F887, but nothing. I still get not proper date/time on LCD. Do you have any idea?
I need use 24-hour mode for digital clock. But i can’t change code properly.From datasheet for DS1307 to select 24-hour mode i need set bit 6 to low. But nothing. How i can set bit 6 of timekeeper register to low or make other changes?