Tag - secret codes

Samsung Galaxy Codes – Reset, MAC address, IMEI

Well the nokia secret codes may be familiar to almost everyone. Here are some of  the Samsung secret codes exclusively for samsung users more importantly you can find the samsung reset codes........... *#06#-to check your IMEI number *2767*3855#- to hard reset your phone (deletes all the stored data) *2767*2878# - Custom Reset *#*#7780#*#*- factory reset (delete the account, system and application setting) *#*#232337#*#- to get bluetooth device address *#*#232338#*#*- to get MAC address *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*- to backup media files *#9999#- to get SW version *#8888#- to get HW version *#*#526#*#*- WLAN test *#*#0842#*#*- device...
