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- This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by Ligo George.
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November 18, 2015 at 11:35 am #11860George MathewParticipant
*/use pull up resistors of 330k ,crystal freq:32.768/*
#include "uartfun.h" //created myown header file for uart functions void i2c_intialise(int); void i2c_start(); void i2c_stop(); void i2c_restart(); void i2c_ack(); void i2c_nack(); void WaitSSP(); void i2c_send(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int); unsigned int i2c_readx(int); void wait(); void main() { unsigned char time[20]="Time:00:00:00"; unsigned char dayx[20]="Day:__"; unsigned char datex[20]="Date:__/__/__"; short sec; short min; short hr; short days; short dates; short months; short years; char seconds[5]; char minutes[5]; char hours[5]; char dayss[5]; char datess[5]; char monthss[5]; char yearss[5]; uart_intialise(31); i2c_intialise(151); i2c_send(0X00,0X55,0X09,0X01,0X018,0X10,0X15);// write data for time,day,calendar delay_ms(100); while(1) { sec=i2c_readx(0X00); delay_us(100); min=i2c_readx(0X01); delay_us(100); hr=i2c_readx(0X02); delay_us(100); days=i2c_readx(0X03); delay_us(100); dates=i2c_readx(0X04); delay_us(100); months=i2c_readx(0X05); delay_us(100); years=i2c_readx(0X06); delay_us(100); shorttohex(sec,seconds); //converts short to string shorttohex(min,minutes); shorttohex(hr,hours); shorttohex(days,dayss); shorttohex(dates,datess); shorttohex(months,monthss); shorttohex(years,yearss); time[5]=hours[0]; time[6]=hours[1]; time[8]=minutes[0]; time[9]=minutes[1]; time[11]=seconds[0]; time[12]=seconds[1]; dayx[4]=dayss[0]; dayx[5]=dayss[1]; datex[5]=datess[0]; datex[6]=datess[1]; datex[8]=monthss[0]; datex[9]=monthss[1]; datex[11]=yearss[0]; datex[12]=yearss[1]; //below functions own created to display over uart uart_ctransmit('\f'); uart_stransmit(time); uart_ctransmit('\r'); uart_stransmit(dayx); uart_ctransmit('\r'); uart_stransmit(datex); delay_ms(100); } } void i2c_intialise(int n) { TRISC.RC3=1; // SCL TRISC.RC4=1; // SDA SSPSTAT.SMP=1; //slewrate disabled SSPCON=0X28; //i2c master mode SSPEN=1,1000 for master mode baud rate SSPADD=n; //load value to set baudrate ,use formula } void i2c_start() { SSPCON2.SEN=1; //enabled start condition while(SSPCON2.SEN);//wait for start condition to finish,automatically cleared by hardware } void i2c_stop() { SSPCON2.PEN=1; //enabled stop condition while(SSPCON2.PEN);//wait for stop condition to finish,automatically cleared by hardware } void i2C_restart() { SSPCON2.RSEN=1;//repeated start enabled while(SSPCON2.RSEN);//wait for restart condition to finish,automatically cleared by hardware. } void i2c_ack() { SSPCON2.ACKDT=0; //acknowledge data bit as 0, SSPCON2.ACKEN=1;//acknowledgement enabled; while(SSPCON2.ACKEN);//wait for ack data to send } void i2c_nack() { SSPCON2.ACKDT=1; //acknowledge data bit as 1; SSPCON2.ACKEN=1; //acknowledgement enabled while(SSPCON2.ACKEN);//wait for nack,data to send on bus } /* below function to write/set the time & date*/ void i2c_send(unsigned int second,unsigned int minute, unsigned int hour,unsigned int day,unsigned int date,unsigned int month,unsigned int year) { i2c_start(); //start WaitSSP(); //wait for flag bit to set,cleared manually in software. SSPBUF=0XD0;//device address + write command WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=0X00;//write location; WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=second; //move data for second WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=minute; //move data for min WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=hour;//move data for hour WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=day;//move data for day WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=date;//move data for date WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=month;//move data for month WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=year;//move data for year WaitSSP(); i2c_stop(); //stop delay_ms(100); } /*below function is used to read data*/ unsigned int i2c_readx(int addr) { unsigned int tmp; i2c_restart(); //restart WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=0XD0; //slave address + write command WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=addr; WaitSSP(); i2c_restart(); WaitSSP(); SSPBUF=0XD1; //slave address command + read command WaitSSP(); SSPCON2.RCEN=1; //enable reception WaitSSP(); i2c_nack();//send acknowledgment as bit 1 i2c_stop(); //stop tmp=SSPBUF; return tmp; } void WaitSSP() //function to check interrupt flag for i2c { while(PIR1.SSPIF==0); PIR1.SSPIF=0; }
November 19, 2015 at 10:21 am #11861Ligo GeorgeKeymasterHi,
Thank you for sharing this code.
February 28, 2016 at 1:00 pm #12223lalgptParticipantDear Ligo George
Your commitment on this website is highly appreciable.
let me know that how the hour or minutes or second is compared in this example
Because it consists of Binary, BCD, and character. which is compared to trigger a out for a specified time ?
February 28, 2016 at 1:45 pm #12224Ligo GeorgeKeymasterYou can compare any of it, just use if statements.
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