USB PIC Programmer PICKit2 – FET replacement PCB

Home Forums Project Discussions USB PIC Programmer PICKit2 – FET replacement PCB

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  • #12143
    Asoke Kumar

    I have etched the PCB as per the diagram provided successfully and have started soldering the resistors. While doing this, I realised that there is no track
    provided for the base resistor 1k of BC557 (I am using in place of BS250). Do I cut the track at the base of BC557 and solder the 1k resistor between BC557 base
    and the junction of R5 and Q4 or replace R5 with 1k resistor ? Please excuse for my confusion as this is my first exposure to FET circuits.

    Ligo George

    There is no track/pad provided in the pcb for that resistor. That pcb is designed for mosfet. You need to adjust it in the circuit.


    Please post these doubts in the comments section just below the article.

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