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  • in reply to: Atmel to Arduino program #13049

    Is  there any simple way??

    I am not expert (*~*)

    in reply to: Atmel to Arduino program #13047

    I am using Arduino 1.6.10 , i think its latest version.

    I have Atmel 8MHz code for cable tester and pin used are ADC0( PA0) to ADC7(PA7) as analog pin and PC0 to PC7 as digital pin.

    If i want to use same program for Arduino mega 16Mhz with A8 to A15 analog pin and 42 to 49 ad Digital Pin.

    My question is what i have to change to get it work on Arduino Mega.

    Here is code:

    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <util/delay.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
    #include "hd44780.h" // LCD
    #include "lan_tester.h"
    #define F_CPU 16000000UL //8
    float GetADCData (uchar nChannel)
      ADCSRA = 0;
      _delay_us (5);
      ADMUX = 0b01000000 | (nChannel & 0b00000111); // 64, 7
      _delay_us (5);
      ADCSRA = 0b10000101;//5
      _delay_us (500);
      ADCSRA = 0b11000101; // 69
      while ((ADCSRA & (1 << 6)));
      _delay_us (5);
      int nResult = ((int) ADCL) + (((int) ADCH) << 8);
      return (float) nResult;
    void SetTestLines (uchar nPositive, uchar nNegative, bool bWait)
      DDRC = 0;
      PORTC = 0;
      if (nPositive != LINE_UNUSED)
        DDRC |= (1 << nPositive);
        PORTC |= (1 << nPositive);
      if (nNegative != LINE_UNUSED)
        DDRC |= (1 << nNegative); 
      if (bWait) _delay_ms (20);
    void ShowFault (uchar nCode)
      lcdClear ();
      static char strMessage11 [] PROGMEM = "    On line    ";
      static char strMessage12 [] PROGMEM = "There is tension!";
      static char strMessage21 [] PROGMEM = "Replace the battery";
      static char strMessage31 [] PROGMEM = " ADC faulty ";
      switch (nCode)
        case 0:
          lcdGotoXY (1, 0);
          lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage11);
          lcdGotoXY (2, 0);
          lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage12);
      case 1: 
        lcdGotoXY (1, 0);
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage21);
      case 2:
        lcdGotoXY (1, 0);
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage31);
    bool CheckLineVoltage (float *Umin, float *Umax)
      bool bFlag = false;
      SetTestLines (LINE_UNUSED, LINE_UNUSED, true);
      for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        if (GetADCData (i) > fZero) bFlag = true;
      if (bFlag)
        ShowFault (0);
        return false;
      if (!PINB2)
        ShowFault (1);
        return false;
      SetTestLines (LINE_UNUSED, 0, true);
      *Umin = GetADCData (0);
      SetTestLines (0, LINE_UNUSED, true);
      *Umax = GetADCData (0);
      if ((*Umax - *Umin) < 700)
        ShowFault (2); 
        return false;
      return true;
    bool CheckConnection (char *Data, char *Mask)
      for (uchar i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        if ((Data [i] != Mask [i]) && (Mask [i] != 'X')) return false;
      return true;
    void RefreshDisplay (uchar *Data, int L, bool bShowLength)
      char str [9];
      static char strMessage0 [] PROGMEM = "Main:  12345678";
      static char strMessage1 [] PROGMEM = "1Gb LAN Staight ";
      static char strMessage2 [] PROGMEM = "1Gb LAN Cross   ";
      static char strMessage3 [] PROGMEM = "100Mb LAN Straight";
      static char strMessage4 [] PROGMEM = "100Mb LAN Cross ";
      static char strMessage5 [] PROGMEM = "E1/T1           ";
      static char strMessage6 [] PROGMEM = "No connection   ";
      static char strMessage7 [] PROGMEM = "                ";
      lcdGotoXY (0, 0);
      lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage0);
      lcdGotoXY (1, 0);
      lcdPutsFromRAM ("Remote:    ");
      for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        switch (Data [i])
          case 1:
          case 2:
          case 3:
          case 4:
          case 5:
          case 6:
          case 7:
          case 8:       
            str [i] = Data [i] + 48; 
          case LINE_UNKNOWN:  
            str [i] = '?'; 
          case LINE_SHORTED:  
            str [i] = 'S'; 
          case LINE_BROKEN: 
            str [i] = 'X';  
            str [i] = ' ';
      str [8] = 0;
      lcdPutsFromRAM (str);
      lcdPutsFromRAM ("    ");
      lcdGotoXY (2, 0);
      if (bShowLength)
        if (L < 5) 
          lcdPutsFromRAM ("Cable Length <5 м  ");
          lcdPutsFromRAM ("Cable Length ");
          itoa (L, str, 10);
          lcdPutsFromRAM (str);
          lcdPutsFromRAM (" M  ");
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage7); 
      lcdGotoXY (3, 0);
      if (CheckConnection (str, "12345678"))    
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage1);
      else if (CheckConnection (str, "36145278")) 
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage2);
      else if (CheckConnection (str, "123XX6XX")) 
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage3);
      else if (CheckConnection (str, "361XX2XX")) 
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage4);
      else if (CheckConnection (str, "45X12XXX")) 
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage5);
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage6);
    void Initialize ()
      DDRA = 0;
      DDRB = 0;
      DDRC = 0;
      DDRD = 0;
      PORTA = 0;
      PORTB = 0;
      PORTC = 0;
      PORTD = 0;
      MCUCSR = 0b10000000;
      TCCR1A = 0;
      TCCR1B = 0;
      _delay_ms (100);
    float GetResistance (uchar Line1, uchar Line2, float Umin)
      SetTestLines (Line1, Line2, true);
      float U1 = GetADCData (Line1);
      float U2 = GetADCData (Line2);
      float Ra = R1 * R2 / (R1 + R2);
      if ((U2 - Umin) <= 0) 
        return 1e6;
      return (U1 - U2) * Ra / (U2 - Umin);
    uchar StageOneCheck (uchar *Line, const uchar *PinOut, uchar *GoodLine, uchar *BrokenIndex)
      uchar LineCount = 0;
      *BrokenIndex = LINE_UNUSED;
      for (uchar i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
        Line [i] = 0;
        SetTestLines (PinOut [i], LINE_UNUSED, true);
        bool bFlag = false;
        for (uchar j = 0; j < 8; j++) 
          float fADCData = GetADCData (PinOut [j]);
          if ((fADCData > fMaxValue) && (i != j)) 
            Line [i] = LINE_SHORTED;
          if ((fADCData > fZero) && (i != j)) 
             bFlag = true;
        if (!bFlag) 
          Line [i] = LINE_BROKEN;
          *BrokenIndex = i;
        if (Line [i] == 0) 
          GoodLine [LineCount++] = i;
      return LineCount;
    void StageTwoCheck (uchar *Line, const uchar *PinOut, uchar *GoodLine, uchar LineCount, const float R [3][8], float Umin)
      volatile static float fRcalc [8];
      uchar i = 0, j = 0;
      uchar nMinIndex [3] = {0, 0, 0};
      float fMinResistance = 1e6;
      float Rtmp;
      // find two lines with minimal resistance
      for (i = 1; i < LineCount; i++) 
        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
          Rtmp = GetResistance (PinOut [GoodLine [i]], PinOut [GoodLine [j]], Umin);
          if (Rtmp < fMinResistance)
            fMinResistance = Rtmp;
            nMinIndex [0] = i; 
            nMinIndex [1] = j;
      // find third line
      fMinResistance = 1e6;
      for (i = 0; i < LineCount; i++)
        if ((i != nMinIndex [0]) && (i != nMinIndex [1]))
          Rtmp = GetResistance (PinOut [GoodLine [nMinIndex [0]]], PinOut [GoodLine [i]], Umin);
          if (Rtmp < fMinResistance)
            fMinResistance = Rtmp;
            nMinIndex [2] = i;
      // solve equations
      float fR12 = GetResistance (PinOut [GoodLine [nMinIndex [0]]], PinOut [GoodLine [nMinIndex [1]]], Umin);
      float fR13 = GetResistance (PinOut [GoodLine [nMinIndex [0]]], PinOut [GoodLine [nMinIndex [2]]], Umin);
      float fR23 = GetResistance (PinOut [GoodLine [nMinIndex [1]]], PinOut [GoodLine [nMinIndex [2]]], Umin);
      float fR1 = 0.5 * (fR12 + fR13 - fR23);
      float fR2 = fR12 - fR1;
      uchar idxMin;
      if (fR1 < fR2)
        idxMin = nMinIndex [0];
        fRcalc [idxMin] = fR1; 
        idxMin = nMinIndex [1];
        fRcalc [idxMin] = fR2;
      for (i = 0; i < LineCount; i++)
        if (i != idxMin) 
          Rtmp = GetResistance (PinOut [GoodLine [i]], PinOut [GoodLine [idxMin]], Umin);
          fRcalc [i] = Rtmp - fRcalc [idxMin];
      // try to found according resistance in table
      for (i = 0; i <= LineCount; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
          if ((R [1][j] < fRcalc [i]) && (fRcalc [i] < R [2][j]))
            Line [GoodLine [i]] = j + 1;
        if (Line [GoodLine [i]] == 0) Line [GoodLine [i]] = LINE_UNKNOWN;
    int StageThreeCheck (uchar BrokenIndex, const uchar *PinOut)
      SetTestLines (PinOut [BrokenIndex], LINE_UNUSED, true);
      float U1 = GetADCData (PinOut [BrokenIndex]);
      TCNT1H = 0;
      TCNT1L = 0;
      TCCR1B = 1;
      SetTestLines (LINE_UNUSED, LINE_UNUSED, false);
      _delay_ms (1);
      float U2 = GetADCData (PinOut [BrokenIndex]);
      TCCR1B = 0;
      int nTime = ((int) TCNT1L) + (((int) TCNT1H) << 8);
      float fTime = ((float) nTime) * 1000 / F_CPU;
      float L = (-fTime/log (U2 / U1) - 1.71) / 0.032;
      return (int) L;
    void EasterEgg ()
      static int i = 0;
      static char strMessage1 [] PROGMEM = "                ";
      static char strMessage2 [] PROGMEM = "LAN-Tester v 1.1";
      static char strMessage3 [] PROGMEM = "          ";
      static char strMessage4 [] PROGMEM = "                ";
      if (++i == 120)
        lcdClear ();
        lcdGotoXY (0, 0);
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage1);
        lcdGotoXY (1, 0);
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage2);
        lcdGotoXY (2, 0);
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage3);
        lcdGotoXY (3, 0);
        lcdPutsFromFlash (strMessage4);
        _delay_ms (5000);
        lcdClear ();
    int main()
      const uchar PinOut [8] = {6, 5, 7, 4, 0, 3, 1, 2};
      const float R [3][8] = {{15, 8.2, 51, 3.0, 5.1, 2.0, 22, 1.0},
                              {13, 7.5, 40, 2.5, 4.0, 1.5, 18, 0.7},
                              {18, 9.5, 60, 3.8, 6.5, 2.5, 27, 1.5}};
      float Umax, Umin;
      int L = 0;
      uchar Line [8];
      uchar GoodLine [8];
      uchar BrokenIndex;
      uchar Step = 0;
      uchar LineCount = 0;
      uchar i;
      Initialize ();
      while (1)
        switch (Step)
          case 0:       // startup checks
            if (CheckLineVoltage (&Umin, &Umax)) Step = 1;
          case 1:       // try to found unbroken line, check for shortage
            LineCount = StageOneCheck (Line, PinOut, GoodLine, &BrokenIndex);
            if (LineCount < 3)
              for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (Line [i] == 0) 
                  Line [i] = LINE_UNKNOWN;
              Step = 3; 
              Step = 2;
            case 2:     // resistance measure, lines order check
              StageTwoCheck (Line, PinOut, GoodLine, LineCount, R, Umin);
              if (BrokenIndex == LINE_UNUSED) 
                Step = 4; 
                Step = 3;
            case 3:     // capacitance measure, if there are broken lines
              L = StageThreeCheck (BrokenIndex, PinOut);
              Step = 4;
            case 4:   // display refresh
              RefreshDisplay (Line, L, (BrokenIndex != LINE_UNUSED));
              EasterEgg ();
              Step = 0;
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