Interfacing MPU-6050 / GY-521 board with Arduino Uno

About MPU-6050 MPU-6050 is a chip manufactured by Invensense which combines 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscope with an on-board digital motion processor. It also includes a embedded temperature sensor and an on chip oscillator. It is very accurate and consist of analogue to digital conversion hardware for each channel thereby capturing x,y,z channels at the same time. The arduino can be interfaced with I2C bus. 3-axis Gyroscope The MPU-6050 consist of a 3 axis gyroscope which can detect rotational velocity along...

Controlling of DC Motors using MPU-6050

In this project, we are going to control the speed of 2 DC motors using the MPU-6050. MPU-6050 is an accelerometer and Gyro sensor. By moving the sensor in upward or downward direction, the speed of the motors will increase or decrease. By moving the sensor in upward direction, the speed of first motor will increase and the speed of other motor will decrease. Similarly, by moving the sensor in downward direction, the speed of first motor will increase and the...
