PIC Microcontroller

PIC Microcontroller Tutorials, MikroC, Proteus Tutorials comes under this category. Starts from LED Blinking. IO Port Expansion Stepper Motor Servo Motor DC Motor Interfacing LCD Interfacing

LED Chaser using PIC Microcontroller

LED Chaser is a simple project for beginners that can build using PIC microcontroller. In this 8 LED are running like a Ring Counter. It is very simple and you can create different patterns as you like just by modifying the MikroC program. Here I am using PIC16F877A, one of the most popular PIC microcontroller. This tutorial is on the assumption that, you have basic knowledge in mikroC and Proteus. If you haven't please go to

Blinking LED using PIC Microcontroller – MikroC

Welcome to the world of PIC Microcontrollers. You are in the right place if you are a beginner in the filed of microcontrollers. MikroC is the best compiler for beginners as it contains built in functions for most of the commonly used tasks. But MikroC is less efficient and the hex file generated will be large size compared to other compilers. So I suggest you to use Hi-Tech C compiler by Microchip after you get familiar with microcontrollers. Note that,...
