Expanding Output Pins of a PIC Microcontroller through Multiplexing

Imagine that you want to control 100 LED's with a PIC Microcontroller. No PIC Microcontroller with a DIP package having that many IO lines. This article explains two ways to expand output pins of a Microcontroller through multiplexing. Here we are using Time Division Multiplexing to expand output pins. The first method is by using D-Latch and second method is by using Serial in Parallel Out Shift register. In this tutorial we demonstrate the working by using 64 LEDs.

Using D Flip-Flop and Decoder


Digital Clock using PIC Microcontroller and DS1307 RTC

A Digital Clock can be made easily by using PIC Microcontroller, DS1307 and a 16x2 LCD. I have already posted about Interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC Microcontroller. The DS1307 RTC can work either in 24-hour mode or 12-hour mode with AM/PM indicator. It automatically adjusts for months fewer than 31 days including leap year compensation up to year 2100.  DS1307 comes with built-in power sensing circuit which senses power failures and...

Voltmeter and Ammeter using PIC Microcontroller

Voltmeter and Ammeter can be easily made using PIC Microcontroller having ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). I am using PIC16F877A and the result is displayed on an LCD Display. PIC16F877A is enough if you do this project only for testing purposes. I suggest to use PIC with low pin numbers and multiplexed 7 segment display if you wish to use this as your measuring instrument.


If you don't know the basis of PIC ADC and LCD Interfacing please read the following...
