Tag - Amplifier

Inverting Amplifier using Opamp

Inverting amplifier is an amplfier whose amplfied output is negatively proportional to the input. Its gain will be negative. For eg. if we provide sine wave input, its amplified output will be 180° out of phase with input. When the input is voltage is increasing, output voltage will decrease and vice versa. Recommended Reading : Opamp - Operational Amplifier We all know that the open loop gain of an operational amplifier is very high for practical applicaitons. So...

Opamp – Operational Amplifier

What is an Opamp ?

Opamp is the abbreviation of Operational Amplifier. An operational amplifier is a direct coupled high gain amplifier usually consisting of one or more differential amplifiers followed by a level transistor and an output stage. The output stage is generally push-pull or complementary symmetry push-pull amplifier. Opamps are building blocks of analog circuitry and is also known as differential amplifier as its output depends on difference between input signals. It can also be used to amplify both DC as well...

Differential Amplifier using Transistors

As the name indicates Differential Amplifier is a dc-coupled amplifier that amplifies the difference between two input signals. It is the building block of analog integrated circuits and operational amplifiers (op-amp). One of the important feature of differential amplifier is that it tends to reject or nullify the part of input signals which is common to both inputs. This provides very good noise immunity in a lot of applications. Let's see the block diagram of a differential amplifier. Differential Amplifier Vi1 and Vi2 are...
