Author - Manoj Shenoy

AM Generation using Simulink

Amplitude modulation (AM) is a one of the conventional technique used to transmit message signals using a carrier wave. The amplitude or strength of the high frequency carrier wave is modified in accordance with amplitude of the message signal. If you are a newbie to Simulink, please read our article Introduction to Simulink. First of all lets get into the basics.. Carrier signal (Sc) = Acsin(2πfct) Message signal (Sm) = Amsin(2πfmt)   # fm must be smaller than fc When...

AM Generation using Matlab

Amplitude modulation (AM) is a one of the conventional modulation technique to transmit signals using a carrier wave. The amplitude or the strength of a high frequency carrier wave is changed in accordance with the amplitude of message signal. Generation of AM in MATLAB is a piece of cake. If you are new to MATLAB, please go through our tutorials. First of all lets get into the basics.. Carrier signal (Sc) = Acsin(2πfct) Message signal (Sm) = Amsin(2πfmt) Where, Ac - Amplitude of the carrier signal Am...

Introduction to Simulink in MATLAB

Simulink (Simulation and link) is developed by MathWorks as an add-on with MATLAB. It is a graphical programming language which offers modelling, simulation and analyzing of multi domain dynamic systems under Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment. The Simulink have tight integration with the MATLAB environment and have a comprehensive block libraries and toolboxes for linear and nonlinear analyses. The system models can be so easily constructed via just click and drag operations. The Simulink comes handy while dealing with control theory...

Signal Operations in MATLAB

Here I'm going to discuss about basic signal operations that can be done in MATLAB. Visit our tutorial guide on MATLAB to get familar with the basic concepts. This tutorial includes : Addition Subtraction Multiplication Shifting a Signal Reversing a Signal Linear Convolution of 2 signals


Addition can be carried out  using the ' + ' symbol and plotting will give you the result. Eg : x=[1 2 3 4]; subplot(3,1,1); stem(x); title('X'); y=[1 1 1 1]; subplot(3,1,2); stem(y); title('Y'); z=x+y; subplot(3,1,3); stem(z); title('Z=X+Y'); OUTPUT : Plot of Signal Addition With Same time Index NOTE: In the above example index value...

Signal Generation in MATLAB

Here I’m going to show you how signals can be generated in MATLAB. If you are a newbie in this field, have a look at our MATLAB tutorials to get familiar with it.

Plotting of Discrete and Continuous signal

The 2 main functions for plotting are plot() function - For plotting Continuous signal stem() function - For plotting Discrete signal stem() - 2-D plot function for plotting discrete sequence of data SYNTAX : stem(y) - Plots the data sequence y specified equally spaced...

Introduction to 2D Plotting in MATLAB

MATLAB not only helps us for calculation but also helps us in data analysis and visualization by plotting graphs and waveforms. It provides us with a 'big picture' of our data. Here I'm going to discuss about the 2D plotting in MATLAB. If you haven't yet started with MATLAB please goto our Matlab Tutorials.


Using fplot()

fplot() : It is used to plot between the specified limits. The function must be of the form y=f(x), where x is a vector whose specifies the...

Generating PWM Using 555 Timer IC

In applications like Motor Speed Control, LED Brightness Control we may want to vary voltage given to it. Most often we use a variable resistor for that. The main problem with this control is the power dissipation across the variable resistor. This problem can be avoided by using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). In this method the average voltage delivered to the load is controlled by varying the duty cycle of the rectangular wave.  Here I'm going to discuss one of the simple technique to generate...

5V Power Supply using 7805 Voltage Regulator with Design

In most of our electronic products or projects we need a power supply for converting mains AC voltage to a regulated DC voltage. For making a power supply designing of each and every component is essential. Here I'm going to discuss the designing of  regulated 5V Power Supply. Let's start with very basic things the choosing of components Component List : Step down transformer Voltage regulator Capacitors Diodes Let's get into detail of rating of the devices : Voltage regulator : As we require a 5V we need LM7805 Voltage Regulator...
