Electronics tutorials including microcontroller, microprocessor, programing and circuits. Intended for beginners, electronics hobbyists, college students, professionals and educational purposes.

Interfacing Servo Motor with Arduino Uno

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface servo motor with Arduino Uno. Servo Motor is an electrical linear or rotary actuator which enables precise control of linear or angular position, acceleration or velocity. Usually servo motor is a simple motor controlled by a servo mechanism, which consists of a positional sensor and a control circuit. Servo motor is commonly used in applications like robotics, testing automation, manufacturing automation, CNC machine etc. The main characteristics of servo motor are...

Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino Uno

In this tutorial we will learn about integrating HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor with Arduino Uno. Ultrasonic sensors are commonly used for obstacle detection and distance measuring applications. The sensor works on the same principles of a radar system, which converts electrical energy into acoustic waves and vice versa. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is based on the principle of SONAR, which is an abbreviation of Sound Navigation Ranging. This sensor is used in many hobby projects where there is a need...

Blinking LED using LPC2148 – ARM Microcontroller Tutorial – Part 3

Hello World

In this tutorial we will learn how to start programming an ARM microcontroller. This is a hello world project (blinking an LED) intended for beginners to ARM microcontroller programming. Here we are using LPC2148 ARM microcontroller and Keil IDE for programming.

Components Required

LPC2148 Development BoardLED220R Resistor


In this section we will learn about different registers used for configuring or controlling a pin of an ARM microcontroller. In microcontrollers, pins are divided in to different PORTS. Usually a 32-bit...

Flashing LPC2148 – ARM Microcontroller Tutorial – Part 2

In this tutorial we will learn how to flash an LPC2148 microcontroller using on-chip serial (UART) ISP bootloader with Flash Magic tool.

Components Required

LPC2148 ARM Microcontroller USB to UART converter with DTR and RTS outputs. You may also use ready to go boards like rhydoLABZ LPC2148 Stick.


LPC2148 ISP Serial UART Flashing Connections

Circuit Diagram

LPC2148 ISP Serial UART Flashing - Circuit Diagram

Using Flash Magic Tool


Installing Keil IDE – ARM Microcontroller Tutorial – Part 1

This is our first part of ARM microcontroller tutorial. In this article we will see how to setup development environment for ARM microcontroller LPC2148. We are using Keil IDE for this.

Downloading IDE

Go to "keil.com" Go to "Download" page Go to "Product Downloads" Go to MDK-Arm Fill the contact form and submit it. You will get the download link of Keil IDE Keil - Product Downloads

Downloading Keil Legacy Support

Go to legacy support's download page. Click...

Interfacing MPU-6050 / GY-521 board with Arduino Uno

About MPU-6050

MPU-6050 is a chip manufactured by Invensense which combines 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscope with an on-board digital motion processor. It also includes a embedded temperature sensor and an on chip oscillator. It is very accurate and consist of analogue to digital conversion hardware for each channel thereby capturing x,y,z channels at the same time. The arduino can be interfaced with I2C bus.

3-axis Gyroscope

The MPU-6050 consist of a 3 axis gyroscope which can detect rotational velocity along...

Flashing Espressif and NodeMCU Firmware to ESP8266

In the earlier articles, we have written our own program in Arduino IDE to access GPIO pins of ESP8266 or to interface sensors to ESP8266. But if we write our own program to access GPIO Pins, the existing firmware will be completely erased and the new program will be written on the ESP8266. So in this article, we will explain how to flash the Official Espressif and NodeMCU Firmware to ESP8266. This can also be used to update to the latest ESP8266...

Interfacing LCD with CloudX Board

To have a good relationship between human world and machine world, display units plays a vital part. Displays allows us to know what’s happening in a device like the voltage, temperature, present status of the device and even device fault detection etc. LCD's have a very wide application in embedded systems and it is more preferred than seven segment displays. Alphanumeric LCDs are most commonly used in embedded projects since it is commonly available and easy to...
