Water Level Indicator and Controller using PIC Microcontroller

Water Level Indicator and Controller using PIC Microcontroller


Here is a simple, versatile project which indicates the level of water and automatically controls it by using PIC Microcontroller. The Water Level Sensing Section senses the level of water in the tank and sends it (wireless) to the Receiver Section. Receiver Section is connected to the Controlling Section, which process the received information and produces visual, sound indications and controls the operation of the motor whenever required. The project is divide into 4 sections.

1. Power Supply Section

Power Supply section provides required supply for Receiver and Controlling modules. Receiver module requires +5V power supply. Controller module requires +5v and +12v supply. Circuit Diagram:

 2.Water Level Sensing Section

ASK RF Transmitter
ASK RF Transmitter

Level Sensor module is made of with HT12E encoder and ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) RF transmitter. This circuit can be drive using 9V battery. For more details about this transmitter, please read the article Wireless RF Transmitter and Receiver using ASK RF Module. This circuit is placed near the Water Tank and connected to the tank as show in the figure below.

Water Tank Connections
Water Tank Connections

3. Receiver Section

ASK RF Receiver
ASK RF Receiver

Receiver Module is made of with HT12D decoder and ASK RF receiver. The data transmitted by the Sensor module is received by this module and is given to the Controlling Module. For more details about this receiver, please read the article Wireless RF Transmitter and Receiver using ASK RF Module.

4. Controlling Section

Circuit Diagram

Water Level Indicator Controller using PIC Microcontroller
Water Level Indicator Controller using PIC Microcontroller

The soul of the Controlling Section is PIC16F877A. It process the data given by the Receiver Section. LCD Display, LED Indications and Motor status are updated according to the data. You can download the hex file and mikroC Source Code at the bottom of this article.

MikroC Code

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB7_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB7_bit;
// End LCD module connections

char txt1[] = "Water";
char txt2[] = "Level";
char txt3[] = "Indicator";
char txt4[] = "And Controller";

char mtr1[] = "Motor ";
char mtr2[] = "OFF";
char mtr3[] = "ON";

char wtr1[] = "Level: ";
char wtr2[] = "Very Low";
char wtr3[] = "Low";
char wtr4[] = "Medium";
char wtr5[] = "High";
char wtr6[] = "Full";

void main() 

  int i = 0;
  int c = 16;
  int b = 0;
  CMCON = 0x07;
  ADCON1 = 0x06;
  TRISA = 0x0F;                  // set direction to be input
  PORTA = 0x00;
  PORTD = 0x00;
  PORTC = 0x00;
  TRISB = 0x00;                  //  set direction to be output
  TRISC = 0x00;                  // set direction to be output
  TRISD = 0x80;                  // set direction to be output

  PORTD.F2 = 1;
  PORTD.F7 = 1;

  Lcd_Init();                    // Initialize LCD
  Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);           // Clear display
  Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF);      // Cursor off
  Lcd_Out(1,1,txt1);             // Write text in first row
  Lcd_Out(2,1,txt2);             // Write text in second row
  Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);           // Clear display
  Lcd_Out(1,1,txt3);             // Write text in first row
  Lcd_Out(2,1,txt4);             // Write text in second row

  // Moving text
  for(i=0; i<15; i++) 

  i=0; //Motor Status OFF
      PORTD.F2 = 1               //LCD Backlight ON
      PORTD.F2 = 0;              //LCD Backlight OFF
      PORTD.F0 = 1;              //Buzzer ON
      PORTD.F0 = 0;              //Buzzer OFF
    if(PORTD.F7 == 0)            //Manual Backlight ON
      c = 16;
    if(PORTA == 0x0F)
       PORTD.F1 = 1;
       PORTC = 1;
       if(i == 0)
          c = 16;                //Backlight
          b=3;                   //Buzzer
    else if(PORTA == 0x0E)
       if(i == 1)
       PORTC = 3;                 //LED Bar
    else if(PORTA == 0x0C)
       if(i == 1)
       PORTC = 7;                  //LED Bar
    else if(PORTA == 0x08)
       if(i == 1)
          PORTC = 15;              //LED Bar
    else if(PORTA == 0x00)
       PORTD.F1 = 0;              // Motor OFF
       if(i == 1)
         c = 16;                  //Backlight
         b = 3;                   //Buzzer
       i=0;                       //Motor Status Updated
       PORTC = 31;                //LED Bar
       PORTA = 0x0F;

  }while(1);                     // Endless loop


For the transmission and reception of data we have used Holtek encoder-decoder pair of HT12E and HT12D. Both of them are CMOS ICs working voltage ranges from 2.4 to 12v. The oscillator resistances are chosen according to the datasheet. When water level raises, the data pins of the encoder will be grounded corresponding to the level of water, which will be transmitted to the Receiver via ASK RF module. The received data is decoded by the decoder HT12D. LED on the receiver indicates that it is receiving data. Then the data is given to the PIC for processing.

D0 D1 D2 D3 Status
0 0 0 0 All data pins are grounded, indicates tank is Full.
0 0 0 1 Water level is below D3 and above D2, indicates High level.
0 0 1 1 Water level is below D2 and above D1, indicates Medium level.
0 1 1 1 Water level is below D1 and  above D0, indicates Low level.
1 1 1 1 Water level is below D0, indicates Very Low level.

When the water level becomes Very Low, the motor will turned ON, buzzer sounds and the LCD backlight will automatically turned ON for 5 seconds. After this, when the water level reaches Full level, the motor will automatically turned OFF, buzzer sounds and the LCD backlight will automatically turned ON for 5 seconds. During normal operation you can manually turn on LCD backlight by pressing the Push button switch. The LCD indicates the Level of water (‘Very Low’, ‘Low’, ‘Medium’, ‘High’,’Full’) and the status of the motor (‘ON’ or ‘OFF’). The LED bar will also indicate the level of water.

Download Here

You can download the hex file, mikroC source code, PCB Design, Layout, Proteus and Orcad files here.

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  • Dear Sir,
    I am trying to learn PIC programming from your site
    and very impressed. I built your Water Level Controller circuit and LED/LCD interface
    using Ctrl-C Ctrl-V works !
    However, due to my ignorance of the Language I am not able to progress further.
    Inspite of your busy schedule, can I request you to please guide me ?
    My problem is, for the Water Level:
    D0 D1 D2 Status
    0 0 0 Motor OFF
    0 0 1 Motor Off (Permissible Limit)
    1 1 1 Motor ON (WaterLevel LOW)
    The above Cycle Repeats till Power off.
    How to program the above ?
    I like to use ASK RF Rx Tx Modules with PIC16F628A or any other PIC
    you recommend WITHOUT the HT12E and HT12D ICs.
    Ca you please HELP?
    Thank you very much in anticipation.
    Imsa Naga.

  • Hi,
    I made circuit successfully and it is working but LCD display not reading anything , Just back light On /Off happening . I used 16*2 Display unit , always display is blank,
    Can you give the details to rectify this issue ?

  • if you are using salty water then 5v is workable otherwise in normal water 9v is required for conductivity

  • Sir , I didnt get this. what does D0 , D1 , D2 means ? is it a kind of sensor ? hm

  • Dear sir, how can add more water levels and monitoring LED s?
    Is there any option to use SEVEN SEGMENT LED instead of LCD?
    And can I edit any modification in hex file?

  • sir, how high should this be if i were to install it from the ground for a flood warning purpose?

  • Sorry, it is very difficult for us to customize program for each and everyone. If you want something like that, please hire one of our engineers and pay for it. It will help us to live.

  • Hi,
    I did this project successfully but i would like to add something more like ds1307 clock and display time on screen and motor should not on between 6pm to 9 pm plus suction water empty protection if you can make it for me please modify the circuits and codes

  • Thank you sir.
    I am new to mikroC programming so i want to know how to understand the program given by you.
    if you have any tutorial or handouts or if you can suggest me a website from where i can understand the program. please reply as soon as possible.

  • When we take on the use of a metal contact, so he is very perishable. What do you suggest for him?

  • Hello I use MPLAB IDE and MPLAB ipe to compile and progammare the pic , I wanted to know if the hex file in the document is ready to be loaded in the pic ?

  • from where to get the floating switch.. have searched abt and confused which kind of floating switch shuold work better ?

  • Hi Sir
    Could please tell me how to make ON and OFF any pin from Pic as 5min ON and 2hours OFF, when did the coding, level indicator stop working

  • Sir wont anyone feel any electric shock when I dip the +5V into the water when Im using pump and at the same instant someone uses the water?

  • i need to ON and OFF, PORTD.F3 from pic for 5 min ON and OFF for 2hours. will it possible, if possible can you please provide the code.

  • Dear Ligo
    i need to ON and OFF on pin from pic for 5 min ON and OFF for 2hours. will it possible, if possible can provide the code.

  • how to connect (which pin) pB switch for manul motor on/off,and need to edit code for that?

  • Hello, can I use different value resistors for the oscilators than the ones in the diagram ?

  • Sorry, I don’t understand your question.
    The above project is 100% working. You can see the completed photos of some users here.

  • thanks for providing code .At first time after simulation it is showing display in reverse no change in output

  • Lcd display is not showing any display and led is not glowing but code was sucessfully executed so where is the problem i can’t understand please help me.

  • If I wanted to use some float switches, that change from NO to NC or vice versa in place of bare wires, where would the two wires from these switches be connected? Thanks!

  • Is is possible to have the receiver unit hook up to wi-fi set up so the tank level information can be accessed on-line?

  • Can we do this project with AT89S52 Microcontroller???
    Please dont mind, Iam beginner to embedded system.
    If yes can you please send me the code on my mail. [email protected]

  • Sir, what components should be replaced if I want to use float switches to detect the water level and without having to use Any ASK rf transmitter and amplifier? And would that be possible for the system to run?

  • pls chek the code sir…..i am sending uart data via UART terminal at mikroc. at virtual terminal of uart, data is coming correctly,but on lcd it is not diaplaying

  • sir, i want to display uart data(from gps module) on lcd 16*2… pls check the code in mikroc & 16f877a microcontroller

  • Good day sir,
    I have tried to understand your code one line by another but I found it difficult to do it because you don’t put comment next to you code for each lines.
    I hope you can help me to understand you code better by putting more comments.
    Kindly regards.

  • hey, by the way this have contacts in the water, which will corrode the elements and stop functioning later. there is another one without any connections with the liquid.
    Any way good attempt. 4Sn.

  • sir, if we are using two set of rf module in same place they are not working. one rf reciever become off . they are getting interference from each other. how to remove it.

  • Here, it is not a big problem as the RF signals are already encoded and decoded……
    If the problem still persists, it can be solved by proper programming..

  • Your project is nice but there is some problems in working time. RF communication is common through anywhere your device is caching all rf frequencies in surrounding….please try to modify that in usart communication…..

  • Hi sir, im doing this project now and i have a question. Is it only 22pFarad capacitor can be used in oscillator or we can use other value for it if not available. What will happen to the program if im not using a 22pFarad capacitor?

  • Hi sir, i have a project on water level with water pump. i dont know how to connect water in the tank to the motor with the pic16f887. thank you

  • Hi. Im doing a simple WIRELESS water tank project with pic18F4515 using mplab but i dont where to start i dont have schematic diagram can you help me with my project? my project needs only 2 LED (if the water its highest level the tank will automatically switch off) and we have to use float switch. please help me

  • How are u Mr Ligo George I am doing the water level indicator project i attached the broke diagram but i am stuck with the circuit diagram now i found the almost similar project with mine bt this one include measuring water level and temperature i took the circuit diagram of it but now i want to remove the temperature component but i am falling to do it please help me remove the than i will be left only with the components of water level in the circuit here is the circut attached please u can even draw it on paper and scan it and upload it i want to simulate it using proteas software.

  • Hlw mr Ligo George i am a student at Namibia i am currentry bisy with my project bt i am failing to come up with the circuit diagram can you please help me here is the scope of it its a water level indicator project

    It mainly consist of following

    1. Potentiometer and pulley
    arrangement: We have to measure the water level, for this purpose we are going
    to use a pulley-float/potentiometer arrangement. Pulley will be hanged above
    the water and a float will be resting on the water surface using a rope. And
    potentiometer will be fixed at the center of the pulley. So as the water level
    goes up and down, respectively pulley and potentiometer will rotate. So
    eventually water level is converted into resistance of potentiometer. A
    constant current source is used to pass current through this potentiometer, so
    as to get a voltage drop. This voltage is given to amplifier.

    2. Amplifier: As the voltage output
    across the potentiometer is less, it has to be increased to 0 to 5 volts range.
    We are going to use linear amplifier for this purpose.

    3. Voltage to frequency converter:
    The main part of our project is microcontroller (89s51) which reads only
    digital input (0V & 5V) But the output of Amplifier is in analog form, so
    it has to be converted into digital format, for this purpose we are going to
    use Voltage to Frequency converter to convert analog output from amplifier into
    the digital output to be given to microcontroller

    4. Microcontroller: This is the CPU
    (central processing unit) of our project. We are going to use 89s51, because it
    belongs to the 8051 family. The various functions of microcontroller are like:

    I. Reading the digital input from Volt to Freq converter which is derived from Potentiometer and pulley arrangement II. Sending this data to LCD so that the person operating this
    project should read the values of Water level. III. Storing the data into
    EEPROM memory and display it later using keypad IV. Sending the values of
    temperature and light to the computer using serial port


    6. LCD: We are going to use 16×2
    alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which means it can display alphabets
    along with numbers on 2 lines each containing 16 characters.

  • Hi, can I use a 4Mhz crystal instead of 8Mhz. If so, do I need to change and edit the source code. Please help me how to do it, because I’m new to c programming. Thank You

  • The above project is done using mikroC pro not using MPLAB IDE. You may use MPLAB for programming the hex file.
    There is no problem with the program. It might be some hardware issues.
    See the comments below, some of them successfully completed the above project.

  • I have edited the same code from above RAR, but its showing some errors (i have changed name only)

  • I have programmed the pic successfuly using mplab ipe but when im powering up it look like the controller is freezing and i have to reset many time before getting something in the screen and it freezes again

  • 1) what file should i use from above RAR,…….
    ASM or MicroC.
    2) which lines i have to change

    Please give me some instructions.

  • While starting LCD display its showing “Project developed by———————–” . Is it possible to change that names in source code.

  • Hi, Its not sensing from tank(first floor) to main controller with receiver(in ground floor), if both are in same floor its working, so what should i do.

  • Why did you use Manual Device Select ? PICkit 2 can automatically detect the target. .
    Uncheck Programmer >> Manual Device Select

    Try changing the PIC Microcontroller..

    And the above project is done using PIC 16F877A.. not using PIC 16F877

  • I use a uln2803 because is not available ask transmiter in my country,it doesn’t mather right?

  • It is not available ask transmitter receiver and decoder in my country.how can I get these.

  • i have difficulties with programming of ic 16f877a. can i get programmed ic.

  • No…. Due to current passing in the wires.. Because of electrolysis the copper will be eaten Up with a time less than 1 week. ( I Faced the same problem) “sorry fro bad english”

  • i made this wlc on a breadboard and it works fine.The only problem i found was there is no dry run protection for the motor..

  • can i use this controller without RF transmitter? i prefer normal sensor probes eg: float switch, will it work ?

  • Hi Ligo, i couldnt get any thing on the LCD despite programming successfully with PICKIT2 using hex file you’ve provided.but the LEDS and buzzer are working in a continuous loop i dont understandwhat might be the reason there is nothing displayed on the LCD(rest everything including LCD backlight working,also I tried the contrast preset but nothing on the Lcd).please help.

  • i need to add a manual switch to on the motor(When the water level is above medium or other case ). What changes i need to made to the code?

  • that is good,but do i need two microcontrollers for receiver module and transmitter module or just one? if it only one PIC how is it connected to receiver and transmitter module.

  • good day sir.. i would like to ask if how far will be the maximum distance of the rf transmitter to the receiver?.. thank you

  • There is a small mistake…….
    RX of PIC should be connected to TX of UART Converter..
    TX of PIC should be connected to RX of UART Converter..

    Hope you got it..

  • sir.. i edit the circuit diagram so i can interface it to the pc and visual basic.. is this correct..thanks

  • oh i get it now.. i will put it on RA0- RA3.. thanks sir.. i have 1more question sir.. if i wil put uart converter or max232 and rs232 to connect it to serial port of the computer and display it through visual basic instead of the LCD.. will it be working?.. thank you

  • good day.. i have a question.. where or in what pin im gonna connect the rf receiver to the pic16f877a.. sorry kinda new to this one..

  • Yes you may use….
    . IR –> Infrared
    RF —> Radio frequency..

    IR allows only Line Of Sight communication and less range.. RF has no such problems..

  • Yes, it does glow. Here is another problem, why everytime it read data from RX, it always reset? Sometime, when controller read HIGH to MEDIUM, then the controller reset again, not live feed.

  • Does the LED in the receiver circuit glows when the transmitter circuit is turned ON?
    That LED indicates that the receiver circuit is receiving data from transmitter….
    You might have burned the encoder or/and decoder by misplacing them..

  • OK, but seem, the output is not really good, where in case LOW level is detected, but, all output at HT 12D is HIGH. so how?

  • HT12E – Encoder – (Data In) Reads data from water tank and gives it serially to RF Transmitter……..
    HT12D – Decoder- RF Receiver Receives data transmitted by Transmitter and it is given (serial data) to HT12E- it decodes it in to parallel output (Data Out)

  • George, one more thing, the RX will read input from each respective pins and give data to correspondence pins on decoder right? Eg: pin 10 on encoder take data from tank, and the data will be transmitted and give that data at pin 10 on decoder. Am I correct? If I’m correct, than my project actually faced problem with this thing, where, if one pin of DATA IN on encoder take reading from the tank, then, the all DATA OUT on decoder give HIGH. Hope you can help me. I did troubleshooting many times including changing ICs, TX and RX, osc value etc.

  • hi George, I want to ask, the output on decoder circuit is on what type? HI LOW or in binary number?

  • This might be differs only in pin diagram.. I think so.. You can buy RF modules that I used from many online stores.. just search it…

  • Please tell me whether, can i use this RF transmitter and receiver with the above circuit? ASK RF transmitter and receiver are not available in my area.

    kindly reply soon.

  • You might not have connected VDD and VSS of PIC microcontroller which is not show in the circuit diagram.. Actually VDD and VSS are hidden in proteus.. anyway I will modify the above circuit diagram by including VDD and VSS..

  • The above circuit is the actual one.. VDD and VSS of the pic microcontroller is not shown in that circuit diagram.. VDD should be connected to 5V and VSS should be connected to ground..

  • My proteus is working but led didn’t light up and hardware for led n LCD also didn’t light up

  • Yes, that 5V power supply is enough…. You should add enough filtering capacitors to avoid ripples as shown in the power supply circuit diagram..

  • i see. another thing, seeing the 5V as primary power supply for the controller circuit, is it sufficient to power up all the components eg PIC, level LED, LCD screen. FYI, i tried to make the PIC used the stand-alone power supply which is 5V, but not working. If i connected it to one source only, it lit up but somehow the display fluctuated. keep resetting.

  • 12V is used to operate the relay that used to control the motor… If you wish to use 5V relay, then you can avoid 12V.. I think 5V relays for handling high currents are not available..

  • Hi Ligo. Long time no see. For your information, I already build up the circuit. Left things is to program the circuit into PIC. I just want to know, the 12V power source is necessary or not? because I dont see 12 V power supply connected to circuit that you created for simulation.

  • sir can you please provide me with the complete code for the project.. its little urgent, as ma presentation is this weekend 🙁

  • In this system has one of particular water level unlike site having system.System design to maintain that particular water level.The tank contain inlet and outlet in order to insert water into tank and eliminate water from tank.Inlet and outlet should be activate when water level goes below and above of that particular water level separately.I wish to deploy this into paddy field.Since there require predefined water level for each mtime period.Your system having discrete water level is not practical when implement to paddy field.That’s why i selected float switch.I want to know about mikroc program of control section and how it change when apply float into this system..Look forward your reply…Thanks Ligo

  • You need to use an ADC….. Since wireless communication via RF module is required… only discrete values are possible.. from 0000 to 1111… total 16 discrete values possible… If you need more accuracy it will become more complex…

  • Hey Ligo,I wish to implement water level controller based on 16F877A PIC microcontroller. Important thing that detect the water level continuously using vertical float switch sensor.It gives output as resistance.I would like to know how float switch sensor apply to this system and how mikroc program for relevant change…Looking forward to your reply ASAP..thanks friend…

  • Remove the relay and its driving circuits……….
    LCD indications include motor on off status……. you can remove this by editing the program…

  • hey, what changes will be required if motor work is excluded i want only indication in lcd

  • You can write the hex file to the pic microcontroller in the downloaded zip file using a pic programmer…….if you want to convert the program to mplab……. take the logic of mikroc and write your own code……..

  • my circuit is already operation, but my problem now. i don know how to convert the programming to mplab because we study using the mplab..i dont have the converter and programer to install the programming in pic using mikroc… can u xplain more detail step to convert the programming to me.. or if u have the programming in mplab.. can email me [email protected].. tq

  • what is the ‘contast 100’ in the circuit….?
    and what type of switches that we have to use in place of ‘reset’ and’manual lcd backlight’?

  • Hi. I don’t get the code, sorry, I’m new to vb. I’m working to understand but it’s so hard. When I try to assemble your wli.asm file you provided, it has 400errors. And I don’t know what lines causes the errors.

    And may I know please if what is its processor used?

    like the sample code below:

    processor 16f84
    __config _RC_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON
    STATUS equ 03h ;define address for the status register
    TRISA equ 85h ;define address for the tristate register for port A
    PORTA equ 05h ;define address of port A
    TRISB equ 86h ;define address for the tristate register for port B
    PORTB equ 06h ;define address of port B
    ORG 0x000
    BSF STATUS,5 ;switch to bank1
    MOVLW B’00000000′ ;set port B as output port
    MOVLW B’11111′ ;set port A as input port
    BCF STATUS,5 ;switch back to bank0

    MOVLW 01h
    GOTO start

    Pardon to have so much questions. Just want to understand it, hope you helps ♥ thanks.

  • Hi, would like to ask if do you have a code for this ? I want to try this in virtual breadboard. We have a finals for PIC Microcontroller, and I’m searching for easier but working one 🙂 Looking forward to your reply. Thanks and Godbless.

  • yes I meant the transmitter and receiver. I want to use the two for wireless sensor monitoring connected to the Arduino uno. Thanks for the response

  • You mean transmitter & receiver? ……. Encoder and Decoder IC contains Address pins A0 – A7…… in both transmitter and receiver, status of these address pin should be same……

  • how do you pair the two or there is no need to pair the two they will automatically pair?

  • Thanks. I will post it to you when its working. Btw, I’m looking forward to work with you with other project. Maybe we can work together.

  • hi. I feel curious about the tx and rx circuit. I found one RX and TX module, but the leg is not same. If i use that, still can work or not?

  • Variable C is used to light led backlight when switch is pressed or when motor on off conditions occur………b is used to sound the buzzer 3 times……….

  • It may be the decoder or encoder IC probelm………check with another IC …….also check for unwanted shots………..
    I don’t understand the last sentence you said….

  •  I understand ……..bt the receiver of decoder D1 is always shown +5 volt it doesnt generate 0 volt is it the decoder IC problem??????????? I gave implement input…..D0,D1,D2,D3 (Close)……by the reverse condition D3, D2,D1,D0 (Open) Isnt correct loop????????

  • There are only 5 valid conditions for D0, D1, D2, D3
    as shown in the table given in the article………Please refer it……….Un-implemented inputs may generate un-predictable outputs……….

  • I face a new prob……when I D0 throw ground Level: Low , Motor ON. but when D1 is grounded Its showed Level: Very Low,Motor On. after that D2,D3 grounded Level:”  “, Motor:”  “……….All the connection are correct and ok…………but when I remove D1 from receiver of decoder Its work proper but D0 is showed both level: Low/Medium.and finally D2,D3 was showed correct data…… now what should i do…..plz help me..The LED in the receiving circuit is glowing……….. 

  • Check the transmitting and receiving circuit……….The LED in the receiving circuit will glow when it receives signals from the transmitting circuit……..

  • I completed this project in bread board , connect the all component correct connection but Transmitting or Receiving system does not work properly. Hang up always indicate Level: Full, Motor OFF. How could i solve this problem? plz help me……….

  • programming is done using mikroc pro…….

    the circuit can be simulated using Proteus and PCB designing is done using Orcad 9.1 whose files are included in the zip file…

  • what others software that i need to used in this project,except for the microC pro software??because i found that i can’t open some sourcecode in the Zip file..

  • >